i would honestly have to say elite
they're awesome amazing service
passionate family tenacious cohesive
supportive amazing awesome dedicated
let's love amelia awesome amazing family
hand-picked amazing amigos family
my name is renee camper and my title is
there are no two days that are alike
i do see some clients but i also help
with the counselors and with the guest
service associates any questions that
trials and triumphs you know i try to be
a part of i might end up taking someone
to the hospital to deliver a baby you
i may end up at the county jail
interviewing someone the days are just
but a common goal all the days my name
is richard barbel i am the current uh
chef to cuisine here at the rescue
as a chef drinking in drugs digging the
restaurant business you know kind of go
hand in hand you know i didn't have a
passion for cooking anymore and that's
something that i really missed
so i just decided one day i need to get
i did and i have all the passion that i
there you have the strength of the lord
to help you in and it's helped me a lot
and they continue to help me
every day my name is zordar roblevo my
position i am head lead of north
i really enjoy coming every day
i know i'm gonna have good days and bad
days but i enjoy coming to work i really
i could go to any other place and work
to be able to help other people my name
is leah corral and my job trial is a
the best thing about my job is working
with my employees and coming in seeing
the customers every day everybody that
works here it's just family-like they're
always happy to come to work enjoy
just being here with everybody
my name is clayton coats and i am the
chief ministry officer here at the
our goal and our purpose is to provide
refuge recovery and restoration and so
we do that primarily through our
some of our locations have emergency
shelter to where a homeless can come
and stay overnight or stay for longer
periods of time and then we have our
life recovery program that's the point
to where somebody recognizes their need
for healing and to overcome
a hurt habit a hang-up of any kind and
we want to provide that restoration
we want people to be involved in a local
church environment we want to restore
relationships that are broken with
and and we want to do that by
providing opportunities of job growth of
employment readiness we want to be able
to provide opportunities when they
graduate to have a full-time job to earn
to the missions to stay connected to
their support system but to also
and fully assimilated back into the
community in which they came or a new
wherever god moves them and plants them
and so we're able to make a huge impact
it's not just about one singular
but it's about what we can all do
working together at rma and so
regardless of what position in which
if they're hired at a thrift store if
they're hired at a mission
it's about them serving in a role that
actually impacts the greater good
recovery and restoration for men women
in all of our communities
my name is joanne gillette and i'm the
director of communications
i love like our tagline which is
changing lives for good i just think
that that really like sums up what we're
trying to do like it's not just shelter
it's not just food it's not just like
the warm bed getting off the streets yes
like all that's important but
like the life transformation and
changing the lives and like enhancing
their lives and bringing faith wherever
we can i think that that really like
sums up what everyone's trying to do
whether we're on the front lines in the
ministries or we're in more like an
office setting that's just something
that we're always reminding each other
on our teams we're still part of this
mission like we are still in everything
that we do whether it's paperwork or
anything like we're still like our goal
is still to help in that life change
hi my name is dave chittenden chief
executive at rescue mission alliance
i've been at rescue mission alliance for
almost 20 years i've seen us grow from a
handful of locations to providing
services in four southern california
but what i'm most excited about is the
this organization has transitioned now
into an organization that wants to have
we've created a dynamic team and we've
created a plan to provide services
in even more counties and to even more